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sperrico87 said:
noname2200 said:
sperrico87 said:
noname2200 said:
sperrico87 said:
I don't understand the law at all. Especially when the dudes involved with her were clearly alright with it. She shouldn't face any more legal penalties than if she was having group sex with 5 people and she was a stripper.

The law's rationale is quite simple. Teachers, particularly those who teach young people, have a high degree of power and influence over their pupils. This law is intended to shield said pupils. Your example of the stripper doesn't really apply.

The best of intentions usually make the worst kind of laws.  Ever heard of the War on Drugs or Prohibition? 

The students involved with her were 18+ and more than capable of making their own decisions.  Don't be the type of busy body person who pushes your opinions on others by making unnecessary laws. 

By that line of rhetoric, are only laws passed with the worst intentions ever good?

Perhaps you do understand the law's rationale after all, and merely did a terrible job of expressing your disapproval of it? Your example is certainly poor, seeing as how you analogized the relationship between a group of high school students and their teacher to a relationship between a professional and her clientele (bonus points: the person who's approval is sought by the other party is precisely the opposite in these two situations). That led me to try to explain the law.
 My apologies if I mistook your outrage for honest confusion. Rest assured, my busy body will stop pushing any attempts at unnecessary discussion with you.


As an aside, I also don't believe this behavior warrants jail time, at least not without a showing of actual coercion. Unethical and illegal behavior are different, after all. This concludes my post.

I understand why politicians and others try to make laws like these to try and prevent certain things from happening, but they don't do any good.  They're just complete overkill.  Sometimes, like my two examples show, they even backfire and do more harm than good.  Just because I understand why certain people do certain things doesn't mean I agree with it.  I think the law is a terrible law.  If you're already fired for cause and lose your ability to ever teach again, prison time is totally outrageous.  It wasn't a violent crime.   It's a waste of taxpayer dollars to be fed and give shelter in prison for having group sex with horny eighteen year olds in the privacy of your own home.  Disgusting as it may be.

And it's not even disgusting! Bill Clinton having sex with Hillary, now that's disgusting!   

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW!