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Runa216 said:
Chark said:

...lots of stuff...

...bunch of stuff...

No, I wouldn't include that with what I was trying to say but it was indeed used as leverage. Even arguments like that are severely flawed, though. PS3 was $500/$600 while Xbox was $400/$980 because of XBL, while optional there are many who have paid way more than other people have on a PS3. Anyway those are flaws of the consoles, I'm referring to consumer behavior and how we've come to the current day hatred level of Sony. Company mistakes or unpopular business practices are one thing, but this persists when they do good things and old truths or blatent falsehoods are maintained as consumer perception for far longer than they should. That is what happened to Sony on an image front and it has been a struggle repairing their image. The market in question is obviously the United States where the competition has the strongest fanbase, very active internet communication and media. Opinion spreads like wildfire, right or wrong, but it is apparent negativity beats out positivity and has shapped consumer opinion. It is very hard to come back from that and the wrong end is last place you want to be PR wise. It is how people are wire and Sony is on the wrong end of it. People are more apt to believe negatives about something than positives because knowing something bad about something can protect you while something good requires a risk because you don't know if something is bad, kind of a "human in their natural state" philisophical approach. People err on the side of safety.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(