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fordy said:
HappySqurriel said:

The media today doesn't involve journalism, it involves entertainment and spin ...

Journalism involves getting sources to speak on record about issues and release information with their motivations being well know.

Someone who leaks information cherry picks the information to create a particular narative that suits their motivation; and remains anonymous allowing them to capitalize on the leak of information.

Leaking information resulting in political consequences only results in tighter controlls being put on the information and political figures fighting increased transparency. In other words, leaking information works against having a more transparent government.

Cherry picked information? Really, because, you know, the government would be really pissed off if Wikileaks broadcasted stuff that highlighted the government in a good way. But think logically now, government would have released such positive data in a heartbeat. There's a reason why these documents needed to be "leaked", and that's because the government knew that the public would not like them. Explain to me please why this is considered cherry picking?

If anything, you seem to be cherry-picking the arguments here yourself, since leaking documents makes a lot more people aware that government is doing such acts behind their back, and thus a greater demand from the voting public for transparency. Willingly allowing the government to keep these kinds of secrets only keeps the public misinformed. If you want people to demand transparency at elections, then show them why it's needed!

Look beyond wikileaks ...

There has been suggestion that many recently released classified documents were leaked by the administration to benefit the president's election chances. In the past leaked information has also been targeted towards politically hurting other politicians.

Wikileaks is just an organization to make this information public, the people who are leaking the information are doing it for their own reasons; and rarely are these reasons to be an honorable person.

If you want a transparent government demand a transparent government, don't let people spoon feed you shit and call it a leak and think you're getting legitimate unbiased information.