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I'm 100% in support of what Wikileaks did/does. I want more transparency in Government, I do not care for election route, because if 51% of the people don't care about transparency (which they probably don't), then me wanting to know about the murder being done with my money won't account for much.

The argument that this will result in a more closed Government is... odd, to say the least. The types of information available/hidden will stay the same. Sure, the Government might put extra steps in place to prevent further leaks, but then we'd be in the same place as when Wikileaks (and other services) didn't exist. And that's assuming the Government would successfully increase the security of their documents. Government isn't smart enough for that.


As for Assange, I do not care for his motives in setting up Wikileaks, whether it be fame, money, or "chaos". I also do not care for him, I think he's a dick. I'm sure the CEO of Activision is a dick... but I'd still buy their products.

As for the whole rape and extradition thing. We can say one thing: Britain would not give a flying fuck if it was anybody else. It seems to me that the British Government are being subject to pressure from the Americans... which worries me, as it means extradition from Sweden to the USA could be large possibility, and the man may never see the light of day, again.

But, I'm torn. Because if the rape claims are legitimate, then Assange clearly needs to be tried. The amount that Government lies to us, and manipulates and demonizes those it wants to target, you just don't know who to trust.