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Chark said:

...lots of stuff...

Everything you said is true, but you forgot one major point (as far as I can tell): 600 dollars.  Sony made the mistake of assuming that, since they were #1 by a WIDE margin the last two generations, that people had enough brand loyalty to pay whatever they asked.  They took a risk and paid for it.  Combine that with the fact that its first couple years had next to no games, and you had a deadly combination.  Sony basically was arrogant enough to think that they had enough power in the industry that people'd buy anything.  

They were wrong.  

To make things worse, the Xbox fans, who recently cropped up as the 'cool thing' latched on to each and every one of sony's faults and blew it out of proportion, not only like a shark to blood, but also to mask their own faults (worst failure rate of any console ever).  See, even Sony fans agreed that the PS3's price tag was too high, and that it had a horrible menu of games to play...but we all had faith it'd turn around, and it did.  Thing is, those against sony STILL like to perpetuate the "PS3 has no gaemz" mantra, and push the belief that the 360 is selling SOOOOO much better than PS3 (it's not, they're neck and neck with less than 2 million gap).  

Sony fans can be fanatical, but only becuase they have to be to combat the rampant hatred sent their way.  Seriously, if they weren't dedicated and didn't fight back, we might have given in and left the company and the PS3 still wouldn't have games.  You gotta support what you like, it's important to put your money where your allegience lies.  As you said, people are prone to flag-waving, and with the gaming community and the industry as it is, it's very easy to see your favorite company go under, like sega.  The only way to ensure the company we like best continues to make games is to buy said games, or convince your friends to buy games.  Sony fans have been touting the superiority of the PS3 becuase they like what sony has to offer them, same as nintendo fans like supporting nintendo and xbox fans do the same....the difference is that, like in politics, one side focuses almost entirely on the inferiority of the opponent, and the other side only cares about touting their own superiority.  

This gen, the only aggression sony fans have against others is that the 360 is a glitchy, broken piece of hardware (it is).  I don't recall anyone on Sony's side saying "360 has no gaemz" unless it was a joke or trying to argue against equally dumb arguments.  

Either way, you're right, you just missed a spot. 

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