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Runa216 said:
Kresnik said:

These forums are getting kinda tiring. Everywhere I turn (bar here) there's a thread comparing Vita's sales to something else, or just flat-out pointing out that they're terrible.

Or I'll go on someone's profile and their status will be "Nice name for a dead console: Vita".

Some of it is constructive criticism, suggesting what Sony should do to save it, or once in a blue moon you'll get a "but things can turn around" comment.  90% of it is just flat out trolling/repeating the same things though.

But seriously, I do_not_understand why everyone seems to want this console to fail so badly. It's like it pillaged their settlement and raped their families or something. Ugh.

At least this little haven still exists!

it;s not just on this forum, it's everywhere on the internet.  I've noticed over t he last few years that EVERYONE wants Sony to fail.  They wanted the PS3 to fail, they try to spin the PSP as a failure, they want the Vita to fail, and in spite of all the evidence to the contrary, everyone seems to agree that Sony needs to die. 

This is why I like this thread.  It's not all positivity (there is some sadness and doom-speak), but it is pretty balanced and overall positive.  

Vita is probably my favorite system out right now, and it's doing nothing but getting better...and it's only been out 6 months!  Srs. 

This is why my sig says "before PS3 everyone was nice to me". It's in reference to how Sony has lost the favor of the typical gamer. Though I'm not all knowing and can't be for sure exactly what occured over the past few years, here's my take.

PS2 sold like hot cakes, everyone had one and everyone loved PlayStation, especially after two solid console generations. Then the Xbox comes out and in turn so does Halo. Graphics, hardware, and game catalogs aside, Halo was the be all and end all and dramatically altered the composition of gamers. It was the PC of consoles and Halo was the only game that matter. Lan parties. Never before has it been so easy to strap some consoles together and some tvs and play awesome amazing 16 player games before. Businesses sprouted up just to cater to Lan parties. Sure they existed before with PC gaming, I don't even know if PS2 had the capabilities because it wasn't plug and play, but with Xbox it became mainstream. Suddenly the only game that was cool was Halo and everyone had to get an Xbox or share an Xbox to have an awesome time. Kids played it, college students played it, for that generation everyone played it. Then the 360 came out, early, and blew everyone's mind with a taste of something even that kid with the cooled pc rig couldn't do. Sure they broke like crazy, but people were determined, and XBL allowed you to play online matches with ranks and it was amazing. People moved on to 360 quick. Gamers settled in with their new company and younger new gamers didn't even experience PlayStation because they get what's cool during the holiday season (see sales). 

This might sound like I'm blaming Microsoft, but I'm not. I've observed the socio impact of its introduction and not to cross the line outside of moderation to maintain fairness and to avoid flamewars this is what I saw happen. Gamers are attempting mature up and live in a friendly ecosystem now that things are more established, but no matter the attempt people are still slaves to socio pressure and will develop hive mentalities over things that are popular and in this case it seems to have manifested itself in a war with Sony. It shifted public opinion through the medium of the playground, of the friend's house, of the dorm room, and has resulting in the hate and often ignorance that we see against Sony.

Sure there are other legitimate reasons to not like Sony, some use the Geohot lawsuit which is a debatable point, others choose business practices, and yet other choose personal choice in games or hardware. All legit reasons but not the reasons this whole thing started and rarely the reason people use to have this us vs them mentality. People are prone to waving banners, to choosing allegiances. It's human nature. I just wish it would stop sooner than later because it is actually hurting Sony and the industry as a whole.

Other fans are to blame as well, many Sony fans critizied the competition, pointing out flaws or highlighting their own advantages. It's a way to ensure your friends get the same system. A lot of it might have to do with the ever increasing use of the internet to communicate with others. Facebook for example, or even forums like these. Now people talk about their game companies, try to convince others of things even though they don't know them. Everyone has become an advocate of what they like and thusly created the console wars, and despite people's nostalgia over past console rivalries they pale in comparison to today. Never before has their been this many gamers, never before has the industry been so massive, it's like a world war of gaming compared to previous country vs country wars of the past gaming generations.

As much as people find Nintendo fans to be really harsh and very defensive because the Wii gets a lot of flak for its...unique features compared to the other two consoles this gen, they didn't start the ball rolling, simply jumping on board. And jumping on board is exactly what changed the enviroment, a complete mutation of consumer habits have lead to Sony being in the crosshairs for a lot of people. We need a truce and we need it bad. Let's hope the PS4 can make people happy again and we can bury the hatchet on this conflict. All game companies are well established, why is it we are continuing the fight? Must there not be three companies co-existing? Must one die?

DISCLAIMER: All written herein this post shall be regarded as pure opinion and speculation. Any attempt to view it as a form of trolling or an attack specifically targeting someone or something is a fabrication. Those who disagree with statements made are entitled to their opinion and it is welcomed for them to express their own speculations on why or whether there has been an increase of hate towards Sony and PlayStation.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(