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7.1M gap as of Feb. 3rd, 2008 - that's why the 360 will win.

Here's the deal - folks are stuck in the past, thinking the PS3 is the PS2 ... it's not. Sony was rather arrogant about this gen - said 6 million folks would buy it without games in the first 6 months, right ... Lemme check ...

"We have built up a certain brand equity over time since the launch of PlayStation in 1995 and PS2 in 2000 that the first five million are going to buy it, whatever it is, even it didn't have games." - Sony Computer Entertainment Europe CEO David Reeves

And they are finally outselling the 360 after - 4 skus, 3 skus axed, two price cuts vs. MS's one measly stinkin' price cut. MS saw no need to get into the red to maintain the lead. Sure, folks are buying the PS3, but folks are still buying the 360 too. Japan is the only reason it's even close. If the numbers in Japan were equal, the 360 would be thumping the PS3 wholeheartedly. Even with the Japan numbers, the 360 is losing like 30K weekly - 120K per month, 1.4M yearly. However, that's with just one price cut. The U.S. is land of the cheap gamer - so Others is key. And all MS has to do is lower prices and stop the Sony surge.

The biggest thing - look at attach rates. Folks are buying the PS3 for playing Blu Rays. Look at the heavy hitters - several folks on here were saying 'When this comes out ... when this title hits ...' and the sales are flat as pancakes. Sure, a few titles are hitting their stride, but all you have to do is ... look at movie sales and see Blu Ray is really dominating HD DVD. Why? Folks are most interested in buying Blu Ray movies than gaming on the PS3. Sony is way more focused on winning the HD war than gaming. They still think they are the king - shoot, a year ago, that Sony exec said he'd pay folks if they send him pics of PS3s on shelves!

And lastly, folks love to quote how the PS3 is on par with the 360 launch. Sorry, but you couldn't find a 360 until late spring 2006. You could find a PS3 2 weeks after launch. Missed sales are missed sales. Why did the 360 do better than the Wii for a week or two? There were few Wiis available! The 360 benefitted from being the only next-gen player on the market. Now, with 3 consoles, the PS3 should have blown the 360 completely out of the water. It hasn't.

The biggest thing is - the price - and no real outstanding game experience over the 360. Yes, it has Blu Ray, but only the 360 add-on will upscales over component. If you don't have the equipment, you don't have a clear-cut advantage over the 360.

Brand and *being the cheapest Blu Ray player on the market* are driving sales. If gaming was driving it, I would expect to see a lot more sales than what I am seeing now ...