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I first played through it back in March, but I'm playing through it for the second  time at the moment.

It's an excellent game in my opinion.

I really like how it strips away almost everything negative about JRPGs, (slow pace, archaic combat) and blends the positives of the genre with action-adventure elements to keep things fun and interesting. The whole thing feels like a very satisfying fusion of Eastern and Western game design, as if  Skyrim and classic Final Fantasy had a baby. (That thankfully didn't inherit the glitches of the former) It streamlines and trims the fat so that there's almost never a dull moment, but still enough depth so that it doesn't feel dumbed down.

The battle system has a great sense of immediacy and strategy, and introduces new elements at a steady pace to keep things fresh.

The plot is rather pedestrian, but it's compensated  for by the colourful, likeable characters and often (intentionally) hilarious script. Voice acting is quality for the most part too.

Add a fantastic score and some handsome graphics with a cohesive art style and cool effects like depth of field and volumetric light, (though there is some slowdown during busy scenes) and you've got a game that's imperfect, but well above average.