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MattyPeq said:
Runa216 said:

I'd agree with you if not for the fact that you're wrong.  

Yes, the Vita needs VITA games, and it was a major point of contention in my Gungnir review (certain games are fit for short bursts of play while others are meant for lengthy gaming sessions), but if you were paying attention you'd know that they specifically made Assassin's Creed III: Liberation with the Vita in mind. Touch Controls, shorter bite-sized missions, alternate ways to do things, these are all aspects of a game that fit well into a handheld.  Even Uncharted had a LOT of little levels, Little Deviants is perfect for micro-gaming sessions, Resistance had room-based fight scenes, each taking about 10 minutes.  a lot of people ARE making games for the Vita, and a lot of these developers know what works, but that doesn't mean most people agree.  Look at Unit 13, it's a PERFECT vita game, dual analog shooter with MANY short missions perfect for 15-20 minute gaming sessions...yet people aren't buying it.  fighting games like Mortal Kombat are PERFECT for the vita, becuase fights only take a minute or two a piece.  Racing games are also perfect. 

I undestand that's not what you mean, you're referring to the system not just having "bite sized" versions of console games, but we have new IP's for the system with Gravity Rush, Escape Plan, Little Deviants, and some new games in the future.  we have them, that doesn't mean we can't also have the console ports or Vita exclusive versions of the franchises we love. 

IT's all about balance, what works for one person may not work for another.  Just becuase, yes, the Vita needs exclusive stuff to it, that doesn't mean it can't also have Playstation All-Stars or Sly Cooper.  

And if Exclusives like Gravity Rush, Sound shapes (was original vita only), Dokuro, Little Deviants, Soul Sacrifice and Tear Away isn't good enough, well, what is?

Mmmmmm... no. You didn't get my point.

1 - Does ACL has some unique Vita features? Well... now two people know this on this planet: me and you. Nobody will know it. They will see AC and they will think "Ooooh, who cares? I have it on PS3 and it's better". You don't know how many people I've already heard/saw saying/writing this.

And I can't blame them. If I wasn't an hardcore gamer, I would think the same.

2 - Uncharted (ugh...)... just no. I played that game (may I be damned lol) and it's not made for Vita at all. I don't care if I have to clean an object with my hand. That game would have still been better on PS3.

3 - Short bursts? A portable game doesn't necessarily need that. As long as it has frequent save points. A portable game should be something that makes you think "wow... this is better than playing in front of a tv". And that's what Vita needs.

I won't talk about 3DS, because I'm a forum veteran and I never go off topic. But..... the thing worked better there. I'll stop here.

You talk about a lot of games. You know what? People don't even know they exist. They know about Uncharted. Maybe Gravity Rush. But Gravity Rush is like the exception to all this point I'm making. Because it's a rare gem.

4 - Vita doesn't need exclusive stuff, it needs unique stuff. It's different. Those games you mentioned (the ones that are already out) did almost no good. Especially in Japan. Soul Sacrifice? We'll see... I'm not that positive. Tearaway? Same... But I'm more positive about this. I still fear it will be something like Pikmin 1 or 2 = one of the best game ever... not a system seller (as far as sales go).

Well... in the eyes of the people, Vita is still a portable console that does nothing but run games that are worse versions than the PS3 ones (ugh part.2). So... nobody is buying it.

That's for EU and USA. In Japan is different. In Japan they couldn't care less about AC. They want their games. So give them more Miku, more Persona, a lot of RPG's... MH? One can only hope...

And... I would love to be wrong. But unfortunately I'm right. And that number (2.2) is there to prove it. :(


You're really not the 'logic' using type, are you?  You have some monumentally unrealistic expectations for the system.  

1 - Yes, people do indeed know the game has touch controls, they tout it every opportunity they have in the commercials. Not to mention the world is getting more savvy when it comes to finding out information;  sure, Grandma might see "Oh, motion controls" and be sold, but do you know ANY 13-24 year olds that don't know how to use google or wikipedia to figure out what they're spending 40-60 bucks on?  That's just naive.  

2 - how is this not better?  you can't do the puzzle stuff or the cleaning or chalk lines on PS3, you need a touch screen to do that.  You say the Vita needs games that are unique and designed for it, and yet a game comes out with precisely what you ask, and you find various reasons to dismiss it.  

3 - yes, short bursts make each session rewarding, which is a great way to make a game well liked.  Also, games aren't meant to be 'better' on a portable.  I'm not saying people don't care, or that they can't be, but the POINT of a portable is to be portable, taking gaming on the go, and the enjoyment factor is greatly altered when consider what needs to change, gameplay and design wise, to fit portable gaming.  so let me get this straight, portable games need to be portable, but also need to be something better than you can get on the console...yeah, that's two different categories, and virtually impossible to fill both at the same time. 

4 - seriously?  we already went over this.  Vita needs good games and an attractive, easy to digest entry fee.  it's GOT good games, but Sony's marketing sucks.  There's really nothing more to it.  

I don't even know why I'm trying.  You're basically saying that, for the vita to succeed, it needs to find a needle in a haystack while blindfolded...and it can't touch any pieces of hay.  IT can't do this, it can't do that, double standards everywhere (what works on 3DS apparently isn't good enough to work on Vita).  

There are three things sony needs to do, and it has nothing to do with games: 

1 - Lower the prices.  250-300 dollars for a dedicated handheld is NOT an attractive price point in a world where phones do it all anyway. 
2 - Get their head straight about the memory cards.  Again with the money, Memory cards are too expensive:  give them away with bundles or lower prices. 
3 - Market it!  Sony's marketing team is creative and effective...but the budget is tiny and they're largely ineffectual. 

THOSE are the issues, not the games or features.  

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