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Because by the 1970s or so most of the world accepted the reality that the PRC is China. That's not a matter of opinion, especially since it was Richard Nixon who was the first to extend the olive branch. Jiang Jieshi's Nationalist government was not the immediate successor to the Qing Dynasty, who fell in 1912 and were replaced for a *very* brief period of time by an elected government in the vision of Sun Yat-sen's desires. The later 10s and most of the 20s were a period of Somalia-esque anarchy for China, and it wasn't until 1928 that Jiang won recognition from the powers-that-be countries (in a manner similarly controversial to how Mao took control and later had to slowly win recognition).

In fact, i'm editing this thread title, because it warps the terms of the argument.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.