Euphoria14 on 17 August 2012
BasilZero said:
Euphoria14 said:
Xxain said:
In this field. It does come off as strange. I think that if I was enlightened on the importance of them I would be more understanding. LIke NSMBW is a fun entertaining game to play. Now if story was automatically injected into it..what would change? Same with graphics..what happens?
I was commenting mainly because your comment came across to me as if to say you thought gaming for storylines and nice graphics is inherently wrong. If I misunderstood you then I apologize.
As for the storylines, don't they have the Paper Mario games? Don't care for them much though, I want a game that plays more like SMRPG. Story, graphics, good music, it was awesome. Instantly sold on a WiiU if the showed that. All it would need is remote play. 
Paper Mario series is ok , not as refined as SMRPG imo but that is probably because I'm more of a old school RPG player.
Also what do you mean by remote play...?
No special WiiU pad inputs, just the basic console controls with the game being entirely displayed on the pad's screen.
iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.
Currently playing:
Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)

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