Here is a list of reasonings why gamers might not like Nintendo:
1. Nintendo lost 3rd party support with the Wii. As much as people enjoy Nintendo games they also enjoy games by other developers just as much and frankly 3rd party games outnumber first party.
2. Dedicated motion controls. Aside from accuracy issues with the Wii-mote not having a standard dual analog controller limited traditional control games. Despite taking motion controls to the front line actual traditional controls took a back seat or even a step backward. The game pad and the pro controller is their answer to this but only after a full generation of obscurity.
3. Lack of powerful hardware this generation and maybe the next. Graphics are one thing, they make games look good and allow certain cinematics and camera angles to be utilized that otherwise would fall flat and look terrible. The real reason for powerful hardware is for gameplay advancement and OS capabilities. A strong processor and plentiful RAM allows developers to do what they want in a game without making sacrifices. As much as Nintendo tries to claim they don't concentrate on graphics or processing power and instead gameplay they are actually limiting new experiences and gameplay improvements. They can make things cheaper for developers but there is a ceiling and they will hit it. Consumers are interested in multi-functionality and again hardware will provide the apps and programs that will make a gaming console a very useful and valuable device.
These reasons are mainly why many gamers like myself have been disinterested in Nintendo since they launched the Wii. The gamecube was awesome but not many people bought it because the Nintendo 64 was lackluster to the PlayStation and the PlayStation 2 had backwards compatibility and more of everything that PlayStation had. If the Wii was stronger and came with both a Wii mote and a gamecube controller 2.0 it would have attracteed both hardcore and casual gamers though Nintendo would have to loss lead to have the sales they did this gen.
Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(