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@Cyberninja Your post reminds me--fighting games are amongst my favorite genres. When she saw me playing Street Fighter online, she started training in Street Fighter (and she sucked). She even tried Metal Gear solid 2 when she saw me playing the HD collection and really getting into it (and again, she sucked). She just wants to be me!

When I was a cop, I took her to the doctor and he asked her "What do you want to be when you grow up." She said, "A I can help my dad." You better believe she got whatever she wanted that day!! I never felt so proud.

Well, I'm waaaaay off topic from my original post and I need to wash dishes so we can play. I only have today off from work so I don't need to waste anymore time on the net. Later, gang!

Oh, and you hardcore gamers are still a bunch of pussies. TTYL.