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NiKKoM said:
Ow btw Child Protection Services wants to know why your 11 year old is playing 16+ games.... >_>

There is a statistic over 70% of people who play CoD,Halo and Gears are under the age of 14 - Especially on CoD they are damn young.
These are kids games for casuals...They are aimed at them.No learning curve - Just jump in and play a match and be a hero.

Those kids grow up thinking they are gods but in reality they are hardcore noob casuals that couldn't beat any REAL good and hard game.
Of course there are still enough games that check your skills but kids these days are all about what is cool at school...

BATTLEFIELD 3 on PC?NO THANKS THATS FOR LOSERS!I dont have time for that!
Im a CoD Progamer on Xbox360!
Starcraft 2?LOL only people with weird eyes play this....Halo Wars is where the real deal is!!!!!

Im glad there are still games for REAL Gamers but for how long?There are less and less - Hope we have at least a handful next Gen.
Maybe its our fault cause we didn't introduce the new gamers to good games and let them play this casual garbage stuff that is so popular now :<