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kitler53 said:

i can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not but that is what i got out of it from reading the full context.  and sure there is value in the system without or without the gamepad - there are probably at least 15M people that would want one even if the only game that ever releases is NSMB wii U.  The power is obviously better too but much like xbox to ps2 or whatever ... if publishers make their games to a target specification.  if they treat wii U as a ps360 system as far as multiplats are conserned we'll not see that power flexed often.  it will be interesting to see when MSony announce their next gen consoles how much difference their is/isn't because right now that probably the single biggest influence still unknown for how publishers treat the wii U.

I wasn't being sarcastic.

Also, I'm reading the other posters' comments and they remind me that certain games are taking advantage of the WiiU, mostly Ubi's games.

When it comes to the power thing, I think it's a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario. Nintendo is releasing a new console, they're essentially catching up in terms of graphics it's no secret. But had they not upgraded, people would say "they're in their old ways", but when they do upgrade, it's "too little too late". So while I understand that some people may see the WiiU as too little too late, for certain consumers (and there is a market) it's more than they've ever had. So, I don't see why he puts so much emphasis on that, especially when Nintendo did up the graphics over last gen, so saying it's a 400$ xbox360 is a gross understatement. It makes him sound like Pachter.

Then again, this is part of a bigger and deeper interview, so maybe we shouldn't attribute so much importance to his opinions on the WiiU after all. Maybe he's just ill-informed. I doubt the WiiU is on the top of his consideration list right now, and he probably is mostly unaware of its state of affairs tbh.