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I really wanted to stay out of this thread...


Arguing that AC:L is a spin-off that no one will care for is just plain wrong if you can't say the same about SM3DL or a number of other 3DS titles. Also, calling Ubisoft Sofia a C-level dev is wrong. Nihilistic, sure but Ubisoft Sofia is more "unproven" than anything else.

Also, it's not hard to see what SONY is trying to do here. SONY doesn't need first place for the Vita to be a success. PSP was a let down in the later years in terms of software support but it was by no means a failure for SONY. SONY's giving people with PS3's a huge incentive to get a Vita. These are gamers that SONY already knows aren't too intimidated by the price tag. In addition, non of the games that support cross-buy have vita exclusive games in the same franchises. PS3 owners will be getting a portable version of their games when they buy, then SONY can sell them on the exclusives that aren't coming free.

AC:L isn't AC3. It's a new story, in a new setting, with a new main character and sports new functionality. It has features that support someone getting both AC3 for PS3 and AC:L for Vita. You seem to be trying really hard to label it as some lazy extention of AC3 for the portable PS3...

Also, I see no reason why Tearaway is destined to be a niche title... It had everyone's attention. It's a title with mass appeal and anyone can see that.


4 ≈ One