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weezy said:
GooseGaws said:

I'm not sure why you seem to equate supporting the appreciation of great games with being a "follower". As with you, I don't play games that I don't like, and there are certain genres that I avoid almost entirely. That doesn't mean that I can't look at a great example of these genres and say "Oh, there is a quality game. I won't play it, but I'm sure those who enjoy that type of game will be thrilled".

I am who I am .. My taste in gaming reflects on me. I dont like what the next guy likes .

Im sorry if you dont understand where im coming from ..

but If I dont like a game god forbid me not apreciating it.

I can only play games weezy likes. Im not a tool.

Who said you have to play games you don't like?

You don't have to even play plenty of games but should still be able to appreciate them for what they brought to gaming. I mean surely someone who's never played Resident Evil 4 can appreciate it for introducing the over the back camera angle. Even if they don't like shooters, because it was a great advancement. Even in less succesful games and systems, the CD-i sucked, but you have to give them credit for attempting the switch from cartridges.

If your so self contained and narrowminded that you can't look outside of your skull on these things. It's all a matter of realizing that if you can only apperciate and say nice things about games you like. Then you shouldn't talk shit about games. Or at the very least state that you didn't like it in your opinion, not that something just outright sucked because if you are like this, you have no ability to actually be able to judge what is actually a good game or not. If you think you do, well then you are delusional.

Which very well seems to be the case anyway, since you think your taste in gaming is better then 95% of people and yet have self admitted that you have no actual basis to judge your taste on other than "Games that I like are good games, games that I hate are bad games."

How you don't think your taste is better then every else in existance with that criteria, i can't say. As I doubt you'll find 1 person, let alone 5% of people that agree with you exactly on every game you've ever played.

I think what you really want to say weezy is "My taste in gaming is better then everyone elses ever."

You're just afraid everyone will laugh at you for saying it.