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lilbroex said:

Whoever told you that told you a lie. Even the PS2 could do ragdoll physics at a high framerate (Hitman, Freekstyle). Halo was a feat of design. Halo has never been a technical marvel.



The Xbox1 could never come close to pulling this off in any circumstance and this game was a release game made using the old augmented GC dev kits. With optimizations, the Wii could have done far better than that. Graphically, the game hardly used the Wii's GPU at all but this is a good demonstration of the CPU capabilities.




Skylanders is also another game that did a lot technically with the Wii.  You wouldn't see this running on the Xbox1 at without downgrades in every area.

Found this video on Boom Blox's physics, and since that's a later game compared to Elebits I assume it's using the Wii's power more effectively? Looks impressive to me. 


And wow, Skylanders on Wii does look very nice, I didn't expect that from the Wii version of a PS3/360/Wii multiplat, they usually look half-arsed. What exactly is it doing that's so technical? I only really noticed the large amount of geometry and some nice water effects.