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badgenome said:
pokoko said:

Dude.  I read that.  I thought it was pretty interesting.  It concerned me enough that I decided to look into it more later.

Then I started reading a few more articles from there.  Damn it, man, it's just a bloody political propaganda site, at least based on the few article I read, unless they're atypical.  Why did you even link that?  What's the point?  Why do people even bother linking articles that aren't from unbiased or non-partisan sites?  No non-zealot is going to trust that kind of thing.  So incredibly annoying to have my time wasted like that.  I even went back and looked at the source links--yep, you guessed it, another propaganda site.

If you've got something trustworthy about serious budget concerns associated with the healthcare bill then I'd like to read them, but not if it's some website for political crackpots.  And believe me, I ABSOLUTELY mean that for both sides of the political spectrum.

1. Reason is a libertarian site. It doesn't belong to one or the other "side" of the political spectrum. They skewer both parties with aplomb.

2. Even if I had linked to, what difference would that make? Either argue against the point, or don't bother arguing at all.

Libertarians have as much of an agenda as anyone else.  They may not be on "the other side" but they are on a side.  The reach ideological conclusions based on what they believe, and then argue in support of these ideological beliefs.  They shape their conclusions based on what they have as their intention, not changing their intention, based upon what the reality would say.  Like, for example, if someone showed numerous information on how a single-payer run system for healthcare produces superior results to the best intentioned free market solutions, in no way would Reason EVER go with it.  They would just keep looking to try to spin the argument their way.