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If you own the system you can say it sucks. Especially if you camped out in the freezing cold like I did for 6 hours to get a Wii only to get home and find out it was broken then get sent a refurbished one. Oh and I still wouldn't have been so negative towards the Wii even with this incident if it didn't suck. But yeah, the only game that was even decent was SMG. I've been a true gamer since I was 7 years old. I'm 26 now. PS3 and 360 are great systems, the only downfall is the failure rate on the 360 which will be fixed when the GPU size is downsized. I'm so negative towards the Wii because it also affects what games I get for my "hardcore" systems. Look at Monster Hunter 3. I was really looking forward to it on the PS3. There is potential for the Wii to ruin even more games in the future. You can tell me it doesn't matter all you want, but the fact is that MH3 was a PS3 exclusive and now its a Wii exclusive, thats all the proof I need. I own all three systems and the only one that sucks is the Wii. The only reason I don't sell it is because I want to try Smash and I know I won't be able to find one easily when its released because everyone thinks the Wii is awesome. I just don't see it. /Equips flame shield!