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Play4Fun said:
Ajescent said:


I'm not in denial about anything, for me to be in denial, I would have to have an opinion on its position. If anything: I think I'm being objective and disinterested.

But that doesn't mean the persistant doom, gloom and shortsightedness doesn't get irritating. 

I mean- let me get this straight. Most are saying If the Vita has an average Christmas season, (which argueably is its first true one) Sony will shut up shop and call time on it. They won't bother releasing/announcing anymore games for it, because if AC/COD "fails", then that's the end of that. Completely overlooking the fact that Sony and others might have things being worked on in the background, things no one knows about.

Rather than thinking about the bigger picture, people just look at what they can get and draw conclusions. Jackie boy says the numbers are "acceptable", seriously: who are any of you to say he should be thinking otherwise? Sure he might be posturing but unless you can give me proof that's not what he actually thinks then you can't speak on his behalf but take his word for it. What people forget is that he also says, he would prefer triple the numbers and a 1/3 would be worse. In summary he says the numbers could be better but they could be worse, If that's the case, I too would say the numbers are "acceptable".

I'll say again, I don't have shares in Sony so I don't care how many "units" they sell on a monthly bases, because that does fuck all to my enjoyment of a console. Only thing I care about is if they give me the games I want, if they do, I love them forever, if they don't then fuck them. I'm not that "loyal" to them to be blinded by the lights. Sony's shares rising has no impact to me whatsoever, Sony's shares falling also has no impact to me whatsoever.

However with that said, I do get annoyed by people who use the here and now situation to argue the end of the world, enough to actually want to say something.

What annoys me is Armchair analysts claiming they are oracles on the subject. No offence but I'm more likely to buy the word of a suit-in-the-know. Don't get me wrong, I'm not entirely stupid, if he had said "the numbers are perfect, we could not have asked for a better count" I would have been suspicious, but he said they are "acceptable."
That puts him in a better stead than anyone here- why? Because he actually has a clue what he's talking about.

Way I see the situation is this

No matter how much the Vita sells, people will always want more. Point of reference: PS3, supposedly it's doing better monthly than the 360 but people are still saying "well, it still hasn't caught up yet." I'm willing to bet if it does catch up, People will say "Whatever, we've moved on from that now, therefore it doesn't count." (in fact I've already seen people using that arguement).

Hey, I'm sure Jack wouldn't say no to a few extra sales right?

Everyone thinks, a Monster Hunter, a COD or an AC will "save" the Vita. But what everyone forget is 


Wether or not Vita is selling badly isn't an opinion. It' s a fact. We have the numbers.  Wether you are disinterested or don't have shares in Sony isn't relevant.  

And I don't know why you keep talking about Jack's PR statement. It's not hard to compare Vita to  past handhelds or consoles and see that Vita isn't selling at the rate a handheld headed for success should be. You don't have to be a business genius or work at Sony to see that. Even PSP was in a better situation and had better 3rd party support.

And don't twist my words, what I said is Sony admitted they are relying on COD and AC sales to bring in 3rd parties. If they don't then Vita will be in a worse situation because, you know, they need good third party support.

Oh, and I've been through with you on this already, magic bullet = system sellers. Games with mass appeal that move hardware, drive hardware adoption. It's a simple concept of the industry and it's annoying that you can't seem to grasp it.

At this point I will just be going in circles  with you and it's obvious you will stay in your denial.

Fuck sake

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?