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saicho said:
curl-6 said:
saicho said:
curl-6 said:
The 3DS had trouble getting started as well and is doing fine now.

Here's what will happen; sooner or later Monster Hunter will come to the platform, and when it does, everyone in Japan, along their dogs, their cats, and their unborn children will buy a Vita. There's no way Capcom will keep such a big franchise exclusive. It may not be MH4, but even Portable 4th or something will pretty much save the Vita single handedly.

Yes. 3DS had trouble getting started at the same price point but still sold more than 2X as many units in the same time period. That really put things in perspective eh.

Sooner is how soon and later is how late? would it matter when it comes in 2014 while 3DS already got MH4 by Spring 2013?

The Vita is having an even worse start than the 3DS, yeah, I just think it's far too early to write the system off; remember when the PS3 had an utterly miserable start and was predicted to be dead by 2010 by some?  Dramatic comebacks are possible. Quote me if you like, and I'll gladly eat crow if 2015 rolls around and the Vita's still a corpse.

A 2014 release for a Vita Monster Hunter would still give it an enormous boost in Japan. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Capcom throw MH4G or something on Vita.

Yup. And VITA is doing worse than that too. It took a tremandous effort and billions of dollars from Sony to reverse its fortune for PS3. It will take even more to revive VITA since it is doing worse than PS3 at the same time. 

A MH VITA in 2014 wouldn't do as much since there is another portable MH on the market already. The advantage of PSP being the only platform that has the portable MH game is gone.

I still think that MH's power in Japan is such that  a new MH game on Vita (Portable 4th of 4G most likely) would be enough to massively boost sales, even if there is an alternative. 3DS may have MH4, but if the Vita has an exclusive  MH game, people will buy a Vita for it in droves.

A pricecut and Assassin's Creed/COD should keep its sales healthy; a cut before the holidays could turn this corpse into a competitor.