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ugh I am so sick of people calling Playstation All-Stars a ripoff.

People need to collectively understand the difference between a game getting inspiration from another game (something the devs of All Stars admitted to), and blatantly ripping it off.

There's this one leap of logic that basically buries everything people say about the game: Just becuase a game shares a genre and some aesthetics of another game does not mean it's a ripoff. if that was the case, then EVERY platforming game would be a ripoff of Mario, or every first person shooter would be a ripoff of Wolfenstein 3D, or every sandbox game a ripoff of Grand Theft Auto. Just because a game did something first does NOT mean that all that follow are ripping it off.

A good idea is a good idea; as long as each game has its own things differentiating it from the competition, then it deserves its own slot amongst the greats.

Playstation All-Stars has enough in the way of unique mechanics and gameplay to make it its own game, even though it clearly was inspired by Smash Brothers.

People, grow up.

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