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Khuutra said:
Pineapple said:

You're right that it's debateable whether they're cultural or biological. There's no doubt that it's cultural as well, but I firmly believe that it's mostly biological. The cultural bit largely just came from the biological bit. If women didn't intensely want to care for their children, the children wouldn't grow up. Additionally, they have carried the children inside them for 9 months by the time they're born. The men haven't. That's a vital difference.

The cultural bit obviously affects this a bit, but I believe it's largely just an amplifier. If you try making a 2 year old boy play with dolls, it's going to be a limited success. If you give him a toy car, chances are he'll love it. Having said that, the way people behave towards the children also matters as well.

Studies often suggest it's primarily cultural and that child-rearing, over much larger spans of time, was a more equal chore for both men and women.

And the question of gender-based interests isn't really very valid; most of the time children are just responding to what has been reinforced as 'appropriate' for them when they're assigned specific gender roles before they've been able to form their own identities

But this shit is off topic and I will strangle both of you with my mind if we don't get back to talk about Samus's boobs

These boobs?