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Townzy_89 said:

Dont give me shit about Wii has been out half the time, it has sold 3m+ more consoles that more than makes up for it. 

Actually I am going to give you a bit of a hard time about your logic since your view of time is skewed.  One thing that you have to keep in mind is that over half of the current Xbox 360 owners have had their systems for over a year.  About 8M were sold before 1/1/2007.  Only 3 million people have owned their Wii as long.  And the Wii didn't overtake the 360 lead until mid August (at about 11M systems).  So while the Wii has since gone on to sell even more consoles and now enjoys an almost 4M unit lead, most owners have not had a lot of time to purchase games. 

Let's say the average console owner buys 3 games during each year of ownership.  That means that the 360, with it's one year head start, has had a lot more potential to sell games.  And your chart shows that it has taken advantage of that.  And anecdotally, it appears that the system appeals to the 'hardcore' cowd who buy more games than the 'casual' game players.

Speaking of the 'casuals', it appears that the Wii is owned mostly by them and the Nintendo loyalists.  First and foremost, most Wii owners get a free game with the system (US and Europe).  Heck, they get a second set of games with a Wiimote for $10 more.  And for those looking for another game, most of the third party titles suck.  Metacritic ratings bear that out.  So with less potential (bundled games, shorter duration of ownership, crappy third party titles, and a group of gamers who traditionally do not buy as many titles), the Wii has had lower game sales so far.

I do not believe that time will change the fact that Nintendo is a dominant publishing house and will have many of the top ten selling games on the system.  If they closed up the hardware shop and started making games for another system, I'm sure they would give EA, ActiBlizz, and everyone else a run for their money.  But with time will come better software, even more owners, and more potential for those owners to buy games.  I can't wait to see what the chart looks like in a year from now.  (I bet WiiFit will be on there! :) )

Numbers are like people. Torture them enough and you can get them to say anything you want.

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