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Player2 said:

PS3/360 upscale the games by itselves so the TV doesn't have have to do it. That improves things.

HDMI and HD component cable improves things as well. I connected my cousin's X360 with an SCART cable and I couldn't believe how bad Fifa Soccer looked. Then I used a HD component cable (still at 480i) and the game looked much better.

The original Xbox was an HD console, XBOX games can't be used to do a fair comparison.

Sony have improved the quality of the backwards compatibility of PS3 since the beginning of the gen (old video before 1.5 firmware update):

I have a PS2 connected to a CRT and the games have jaggies. They are highly noticeable in the wings you can buy for your cars in GT4, for example. In 480i jaggies are always noticeable.

Remember that the Wii is backwards compatible. It can do what the GC (which had anti-aliasing) was able to do and more.

If only some games have the problem, then it is a devs thing. Most third parties don't put much effort in Wii games.

I have noticed this even with the Wii. Mario 64 and Wave Race 64 on the Virtual Console for example look amazing and much clearer and sharper than on the N64. I would also like to point out they dont have jaggies

I just find this very frustrating. Im not a graphics whore at all (hell I spent last saturday having an Atari 2660 night with a few mates) but the 2 things I hate are jaggies and pop-up and I think that they have no right to still be popping up in modern games.