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weezy said:
NJ5 said:
weezy said:
anyone who agree's with this thread is not a hardcore gamer.




That was utterly the lamest thing ppl can do ..






You can hate Nintendo and still be a gamer. You can hate whatever the fuck you want.

Like PSP... IMO PSP is a pile of shit, peice of handheld equipment compared to DS.

Where are the games? Maybe 2 great ones... Ratchet and Clank and Final Fantasy Tactics

and dont get me started on all the games I hate for every single system ever made.

Here's one tho... Halo sucks ass to me. Somebody sue me.


See? I hate PSP and trust me I hate alot of games on other systems and I consider myself a hardcore gamer.


Anyone who likes every system and every game ever made is a tool.

to me 96% of games suck

only the 4% will make me squeel like a little 5 year old girl when I play.





If the only games you can appreciate are ones you like I wouldn't call you a gamer. I would call you someone who likes to play games you like.

The term gamer seems like it's supposed to be something that transcends such things. After all very few people call the woman who plays nothing but peggle and think all 3 consoles are stupid a gamer.

What makers her, or even someone who plays solitaire any different them someone who likes the Wii and hates the other consoles? Or only likes FPS and thinks all other genres suck?

What's the difference from an art enthusiast and someone who likes to occasionally look at pictures?

What's the difference between a baseball fan, and someone who only likes to watch his home team?

It's the ability to see beyond just what you like and give respect where it's due.

Red Sox fans hate the yankees, baseball fans, well also dislike the yankees most of the time but begrudgenly give them credit for their successes and don't mindlessly hate on them.  They don't hope the Yankees fail, but instead that other smaller teams find better ways to succeed.