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spaceguy said:
richardhutnik said:
spaceguy said:
HappySqurriel said:
Outside of tax fraud, why does a person's tax returns matter when they are running for office?

Calling out Romney to release more than the required number of tax returns isn't different from conservatives who are calling out Obama for not releasing his college transcripts; and both are substantially more pointless than calling out Obama for not releasing his birth certificate.

Showing his tax's would show how uneven the tax code is. The tax's are made hard so only the rich can achieve the benefits. Also tax's show how much you support your country. If you hide money around the world and don't want to pay in. Thats like saying, F-ck the roads, the bridge's, the people, teachers, cops, firefighters ect. You get it. I pay in and am happy I got protection and good sewer system, Good drinking water. You know this sh-t kinda matters.

So yes every single president has released tax's. This is why. We want to see who we are electing. I do, I wanted to see obama's too. I wanted see every presidents tax's and that well stay the same. If you just want to put your head in the sand thats cool but us that actually want to know who is running our country. I will stop there.

This is what I don't get, You people who don't care. Dude if we didn't have these things our ecconomy would be sh-t and only a few would make it. So we must up keep it. IT'S NOT FREE!!! ITS NOT WELFARE. PAY FOR IT.

Actually, I disagree with the conspiracy you laid out.  Taxes become harder over time, as special interests get in there and put this tax break and that, in order to save money for themselves.  As it goes on, more and more rules pile up, and it gets to a place where only those with good accountants can manage to navigate through things.

Ok, Who has the money to pay for accountants. THE RICH. THAT IS THE WHOLE POINT.

you are showing a complete lack of understanding as to what republicans want.  They want to reduce the tax code and make it simpler so that people don't need acountants to do their taxes.  They want to take out all the deductions and exemptions that special interest groups have put into the tax code over time that has made it completely unbalanced.  Right now, the tax code is not fair.   To be honest, neither the democrats or the republicans have really presented a fair plan yet.  For example, I'm a teacher.  I make about 60k a year.  My effective tax rate is usually around 3 to 5 percent.  I barely pay any taxes at all.  According the the tax code, I should be paying something like 20 or 25 percent.  However, since I am a teacher there are a lot of deductions that I can make that eliminates a huge chunk of my tax liability.  Is that fair for the other people that make the same amount as me but aren't teachers?

As for not caring about romney's tax returns.  He has released two of them.  Honestly, it really doesn't matter because he has had his finances managed by a blind trust since 2002.  Romney doesn't actually have a clue what he is invested in and I could care less what some acountant that manages his funds invests in.