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NJ5 said:
weezy said:
anyone who agree's with this thread is not a hardcore gamer.




That was utterly the lamest thing ppl can do ..






You can hate Nintendo and still be a gamer. You can hate whatever the fuck you want.

Like PSP... IMO PSP is a pile of shit, peice of handheld equipment compared to DS.

Where are the games? Maybe 2 great ones...  Ratchet and Clank and Final Fantasy Tactics

and dont get me started on all the games I hate for every single system ever made.

Here's one tho... Halo sucks ass to me. Somebody sue me.


See? I hate PSP and trust me I hate alot of games on other systems and I consider myself a hardcore gamer.


Anyone who likes every system and every game ever made is a tool.

to me 96% of games suck

only the 4% will make me squeel like a little 5 year old girl when I play.





I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!

