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spaceguy said:
Player1x3 said:

What is a liberal? Seems that most conservative's are more liberal then liberals and liberals are more conservative than liberals. Like all the laws the supposed conservative's pass restricting girls vigina's, Thats not conservative. So really lets just admitt that everyone has a different idea of the words and that they are fluid and change on a dime.  So basically they are put in place to put up walls. Most people I know as soon as they hear conservative, a wall comes up and they think stupid old Racists white males with no knowledge and intelligence. However this could be the furthest from the truth to his beliefs. He might believe in one thing they believe in or going with what the word actually means. So his idea would be different then the majority of what conservative's stand for. Which I assume is oppressive religious nut balls that think there religion is the only true one out of 4,000 religions out of the world.

Also it can be said a stereo type of conservative's is drunk white male that has no knowledge and lets hatred control his whole life. This sayings I got above proves nothing, neither has anything I wrote, Until you actually sit down and talk to the person these names mean nothing. Lose the names and we will lose the walls. Stop with the bull sh-t hate and slogans.

I meant the hypocritical, double standard, intolerant, hateful, self loathing, no shower, college dropout, drug addicted, neck bearded, ''progressives'' that despise free speech and and their own culture.

Yeah, stereotyping is easy