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kowenicki said:
Ajescent said:
kowenicki said:
Ajescent said:
okr said:

Badminton => Asians (from suspicious countries which win too many medals in some people's opinions) => bad girls => "a shame for the Olympic spirit" => disqualified (rightfully)

Cycling => local heroes => good boys => "lost in translation" => "no rule broken" => no further inquiry planned

kinda hard to argue against this

Not really.

Too many peope who never watch cycling talking bollocks today in the media.

What the GB team did is oh so common.  Its in the rules, he doesnt need an excuse, he can just hold his hand up and the race is stopped and a restart takes place, so why would he manufacture some weird tale?   It actually happened this afternoon too with one of the Women teams (cant remember which country).  It happens all the time at almost every indoor cycling meet.

His team mate raised his hand to ask for a restart, why did he need to crash? why not just put your hand up?

I'm not accusing anyone of anything as I don't know the rules but still, you have to admit on face value it does sound very dodgy.

Only in the UK would we try to actually cause a problem for our own team.

He fell over because he fell over, those bikes and the way they are strapped to them is very restrictive.  There really is nothing in it

The UCI and IOC were puzzled at British journalsist even asking if there would be an enquiry, they didnt even understand why the queation was being asked.  There was never any doubt... except in the minds of our ridiculous press.

No denying it's a case of "did not do the research" for the journalists, but there's no harm in being fair. I.E if you are willing to cast an eye on the Asians (or as Okr puts it, "suspicious countries") you should be allowed to do the same to your own.

Again, I agree that they failed for not know the rules but I'm saying, their questions weren't as stupid as it could have been. Especially when someone openly says he fell on purpose.

Instead of falling on purpose, why not just raise your hand?

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?