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DigitalDevilSummoner said:

Same stuff as before + I LOVE soap operas!

1. I havent misquoted Yochi Wada. I have linked you to the articles where he says those things. How can I misrepresenting his position when he has made it clear 'some people are not very happy with it'. Which is irrelevent, I know he said that the FF brand has been greatly damaged at the press event for FF14 (or some event like that); but as far as I'm concerned Yochi Wada knows FF13 has greatly damaged the franchise.

Why would he not say the words "Final Fantasy 14 has greatly damaged the franchise". Why has he not been specific? When it comes down to it, you CANNOT prove what Yochi Wada thinks. And the evidence as I has presented it is irrefutable, since it is the words of the developers themselves.

It is damage control for Yochi Wada to try and blame everything on FF14, when he knows FF13 did more damage to the series. Thats what I think, if you dont like it thats not my problem. The following evidence suggests that FF13 has indeed greatly damaged the franchise.

Things like this are damage control:

"Should Final Fantasy become a new type of the game or should Final Fantasy not become a new type of game? The customers have different opinions. It’s very difficult to determine which way it should go."

I dont know what Wada is trying to say here, it seems more coperate damage control bullshit.

It is damage control for Toriyama to blame western review scores for FF13, before the game is even released, lol!

2. I think FF13-2 was planned before FF13 was even finished, but thats neither here nor there. Toriyama and Kitase claim that it was a result of overwheaming success of FF13. I only have one question if FF13-2 was created because of the 'unprecdented' demand for FF13, why did sell less copies than FF13?

3. If FF13-2 was made in response to FF13's 'success', why did they change the fomula to attone for the shortcomings in what Toriyama deems mixed reviews? Why didnt they make it exactly like FF13?

4. I dont understand what you point is at number 4. I'm just going to leave you with this:

"We feel that Final Fantasy XIII-2 is a project that’s really been able to take in the fans’ feedback and incorporate those changes in a timely manner. Yes, we do feel like this project’s importance has shifted, but in a good way. We’re setting the example."

Based on Toriyama's comment, and now Kitase's one, they claim that FF13-2 was desgined to accomodate for the mixed reception of FF13. I'm not sure what your trying to prove here.

5. As far as I'm concerned Yoshinori Kitase and Momotu Toriyama are incompitent. They shouldnt have allowed Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 to inspire FF13, they shouldnt have allowed Lost (that awful tv show) to influence FF13. They shouldnt have failed the Parasite Eve reboot.

6. "Here's what you did, you got cocky and without thinking spewed out": "The Japanese game industry is slowly dying"

This seems ridiculous to me. This is a sales site, check the sales of Japanese software and hardware, their gaming division is certaintly not dying. And even if the Japanese industry was dying (which it is not), how would this impact the sales of FF13-2 here in the west. Or is the western gaming divison also dying, lol!

Are you trying to say that the Japanese game industry is in a state of 'collapse' and that the Japanese game industry is to blame for the sales of FF13/FF13-2. I'm afraid that the Japanese games industry is dominated by... thats right: GAMES. If the Japanese games market is dying as you claim, then is that not a result of Japanese GAMES not meeting expectations, lol. Case in point Final Fantasy! I find your market analysis contradictory and laughable.