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as far as i can tell standards of living are only going to go down in europe,i cannot see any benefit of being tied to lefty socialists,enviromentalists who cannot afford any of their dreaming ,honestly trying to save what exactly the only thing you need to worry about is being economically competitive and they spend their time doing exactly the opposite

why would anyone want more layers of mind numbing champagne socialists and being able to be vetoed by a country that has a population of 750 in making life changing situations

money and power is running out of europe and you need to be swift on your feet not anchored to the titanic

why would trade cease to exist for britain if we were set adrift,i don't understand the scaremongering on this

i guess i am in a minority anyway because i want the uk to split let alone get out of meddling eurocrats,i cannot understand why you want to be ruled by 27 decision makers,if you had the whole street you lived in telling you how to spend/pay your families budget/bills you tell them to go fuck themselves and rightly so

                                                                                                                                        Above & Beyond