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S.T.A.G.E. said:
Chris Hu said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Chris Hu said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Chris Hu said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Chris Hu said:

S.T.A.G.E. is too much of a Sony fanboy in his eyes everyone is afraid of Sony.  He probably also thinks that Nintendo lauched the 3DS early because they where afraid of the Vita even though Nintendo owns the handheld market since the launch of the original gameboy back in 1989.  Even though as dominat as the PS1, and PS2 (more so) where they where never on the same level of dominance as the NES.  Nintendo pretty much controlled all the 3rd party developers during that era they dictated what types of games they could make and how many units they could manufacture.  Also MS was pretty fast in owning up to and resolving all the hardware issuses with the 360.  Sony never publicly acknowledged any of their hardware issuse with both the PS1 and PS2 and did nothing for consumers that where affected. 

It's not that I am a Sony fanboy, it's that I think its decent to fix your problems before the generation ends or have a quality product from the beginning. Your problem is that you're acting like a Microsoft fanboy. I made a clear point that Microsoft had to beat Sony, and articles which showed proof of neglect including manufacturers pointing the finger at Microsoft. They risked the console and it took them the whole generation to fix the problems. I am glad its finished (Proof in this is that I purchased a new 360), but it will forever tarnish their name. You have provided zero facts to back your statement.

You proved zero facts to back your statements also their are no offical documents anywhere that state Microsoft was afraid that the PS3 was going to launch before the 360 or that MS was in a hurry to launch the 360 because they where afraid of Sony.  Again the main thing that caused the 360 to lanuch early was the messed up business deal MS had with Nvidia.

You've blamed NVidia a thousand times for messed up business deal with MS. Even if this is true it doesn't explain why MS rushed the 360. As for the rest of the your

You appearently can't understand basic English because I already went over this twice Nvidia stopped making the GPU for the "original" X-box on "Agust of 2005" which means that MIcrosoft "couldn't" make anymore "orginal" X-Boxes.  Read what I said carefuly and mabye the quotes can make you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth.  If not then your english comprehension is worse then Jackie Chan's.

Whats does Nvidia have to do with RROD?

It was one of the main reasons the 360 was rushed into production since MS did't have enough GPU's for the orginial X-Box to keep on manufacturing them past August of 2005.  The main reason for the RROD was because the bad deal with Nvida rushed the 360 into production without enough hardware testing.  Again if MS and Nvidia had a great business relationship the 360 would have had a Nvidia GPU instead of a AMD/ATI one.  Also the original X-Box would have been in production a lot longer at least a year more and the 360 itself would have launched later and would have had more hardware tests.  Also one of the main reason the 360 had so much hardware problems at launch is because it lauched with 90nm chips which where a main problem with the system overheating if it would have launched six month later it would have launched with 65nm chips if not that it would have included the extra heat sinks that where the first solution that MS came up with for reducing the RROD problems. 

Whats wrong with Microsoft launching a year later if Sonys presence didnt scare them into an early launch in your theory? I see no articles to back this up so please entertain me with this "truth". I love this especially when ATI has been creating the GPU since original XBox.

Your dead wrong the original X-Box has a Nvidia GPU it even said so on its box.  Also I own a original X-Box so I'm %100 percent sure it has a Nvidia GPU.  Sure I invented the bad business deal between Nvida and MS but guess what everyone with the slightest knowlege about MS knows about it, again you live in a dream world and see the world through Sony branded glasses.