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A203D said:

I want out.


You don't have my permission to leave. Your punishment must be more severe. 

 1) I said you misquoted Yoichi because you tried to bag the two individual statements about the two games together. In order to create the impression that the "greatly damaged Final Fantasy brand" (quote about XIV) was somehow linked to XIII you tossed together the 2010 statement about XIII "some are not very happy with it."

 2) The full quote "Some value it highly and some are not very happy with it." is a very diplomatic position and when you say, verbatim: "my personal opinion is that he thinks FF13 has damaged the franchise" , you are deliberately misrepresenting his position. And when your game sells 5 mil in the first 4 months, you don't do damage control.

3) The fact that XIII's gameplay had mixed reception is irrelevant to the reason why XIII-2 was made. They would not have made a sequel to an unsuccessful game. For the first time a numbered FF was basically an rpg / action hybrid, of course it would cause mixed reactions. In your desperate attempt to discredit the whole game, with sales and reviews strongly disagreeing with you, you tried to present XIII-2 as an apologetic attempt to fix the "damaged brand " (FF XIV quote). You were wrong. XIII-2 was made in response to XIII's success and to an extent because they had invested a lot in the Crystal Engine to let it go to waste.

4) XIII-2's design. XIII-2 is a new game and not XIII v2.0 like you want to make it appear. Of course the question matters. Toriyama responded to the trend in the rpg market set by Diablo and Skyrim and how XIII-2 would be relevant. He does say, as you quoted, that the whole concept of the game is changed and not just details or touch ups. What you are ignoring is the completely different approach in terms of development. XIII came at a high cost of time and money, and that what they focused on fixing with XIII-2, they leaved large-scale internal development and story based milestones (XIII-2 is not story driven). So instead of having the extremely expensive luxury of passing through 40 hours worth of highly detailed locations (created by 180 artists at its peak) only once, they made far better use of the same locations which you had to visit over and over in order to be more cost effective. [1]
 5) Once again you try to discover incompetent developers by calling a hand full of FF titles sub par and now apparently you found about Dirge of Cerberus. Bad news is that noone cares about that game. At the end you are grossly misrepresenting their opinions taking things out of context and you give us your opinion about what you think they meant ! Motomu Toriyama has defended XIII, he stated the lower-than-expected review scores were as a result of reviewers approaching the game with a Western point-of-view, and that reviewers were used to games in which the player was given an open world to explore; he noted this expectation contrasted with the development team's vision in that it "becomes very difficult to tell a compelling story when you're given that much freedom".

6) The japanese gaming industry has taken a huge blow. That is an overall observation of this gaming generation and you are looking the other way. Especially rpgs. Mentioning Pokemon is not helping your case.