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DigitalDevilSummoner said:

You misquoted him when you tried to put XIII in the same bag with XIV when he said "greatly damaged Final Fantasy brand". point 1

About the "...not very happy with it..." quote, I thought it was self explanatory. I, myself, never said it was the perfect game. Square should strive for excellence. But you naively tried to put the two quotes together trying to equate XIII's quote "...not very happy with it..." to XIV's quote "greatly damaged Final Fantasy brand".point 2

Yoichi is not a 17 year old socialising on twitter, he is the president of a big company and he choses his words carefully. Do the same.


About Toriyama, what he said was in responce to a question about Diablo3 and Skyrim and how XIII-2 was relevant to that kind of gaming. XIII-2 didn't try to fix XIII but be something completely different "the concept of making the whole experience player driven" whereas XIII's concept was to be completely story driven. I think I have mentioned X-2 and X a couple of times as examples of Square never repeating itself. Taking things out of context is not far from misquoting. point 3.

your market analysis is laughable. honestly no offence.

How can I have misquoted Yochi Wada when I linked you to his quote. You chose not to read it.

We can go back to your original point where you try to blame everything on FF11 and FF14, but theres not point bringing that up again.

Based on Yochi Wada's words in previous interviews, my personal opinion is that he thinks FF13 has damaged the franchise. He dosent use those words exactly, but he does admit that some people are not very happy with FF13. And thats just what I can remember, half the bullshit hes said since then appears to be some type of damage control.

It dosent matter what the question is, Toriyama explicity cites FF13's gameplay as having a mixed reception (I'm not going to use the word linear, because everyone is sick to death of that word by now). And this is just ONE interview. What if I was to link to all the interviews with Yoshinori Kitase as well. Theres no consipiracy here. FF13-2 was partly designed to account FF13s mixed reception.

"In FFXIII-2 we have completely done away with the linear gameplay of the original that received such a mixed reception, and come up with the concept of making the whole experience player driven, allowing the player to proceed freely through the game at their own pace."

What have I taken out of context here, these are Toriyama's exact words. Do want more evidence?

What was wrong with my market analysis? Was it the fact that you tried to damn the entire Japanese gaming industry, and then found out that Japan sells handhelds too, lol!

You should do some more research, you'll find out that the Final Fantasy franchise has been a mess since Hinorobu Sakaguchi left the series. These problems Sqaure Enix are having are down to incomptient developers abusing the IP with games like Dirge of Cerberus, et al. I suppose its not just Sqaure Enix, other Japanese developers like Capcom are having the same problems. Hence why some people consider the Japanese game market in decline. However if we look at games like Catherine, Dark Souls, Valkryie Chronicles, et al (and I've deliberitly missed out Nintendo) we can see its not a decline in quality. Its a decline in commercial success.

We can specualte on what the reasons for that is. But my personal opinion is that the Japanese games are misreprested here in the west. And yes, I think FF13 has greatly damaged the reputation of the series here in the west.