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DigitalDevilSummoner said:
A203D said:

same stuff again


 For the third time you have no clue what you are talking about.

You tried to degrade an impressive number of 4 Final Fantasy titles in an attempt to make some vague point about the developers.

It's more than obvious you didn't know XIII had an average of 80%.  

In the interview Toriyama says nothing about how XIII-2 was supposedly made to address the problems in XIII.  Yes, I can read.

Yoichi Wada spoke specifically about XIV when he said it "greatly damaged Final Fantasy brand". You have stubbornly misquoted them both for the second time.

Mentioning a bunch of Nintendo titles doesn't mean anything about the Japanese gaming industry. Pokemon is doing well, no shit Sherlock ! Dragon Quest X is not out yet and Monster Hunter is doing well in Japan.


 Here's what you did, you got cocky and without thinking spewed out "If this is winning, I'd hate to see what losing is."

The Japanese gaming industry is losing. And like it or not, Final Fantasy XIII got out winning.



What if you have been talking out of your ass this entire time ?  That's it, I'm done.

1. "It's more than obvious you didn't know XIII had an average of 80%."

Even if I didnt know that, its irrelevant. This is still not a suberb review score.

These are Toriyama's words if you bothered to read the interview:

"In FFXIII-2 we have completely done away with the linear gameplay of the original that received such a mixed reception, and come up with the concept of making the whole experience player driven, allowing the player to proceed freely through the game at their own pace. The gameplay revolves around the freedom of jumping between many different times and places; allowing for casual play by just following the main story to its conclusion, while also offering content to satisfy core gamers with multiple side quests, deep challenges and numerous things to collect."

I dont know about you, but it seems crystal clear that he came in with the intention to improve things from FF13. This isnt the only interview. There are numerious others with the producer Yoshinori Kitase who discusses the same thing.

Yochi Wada's words are that "While some people value FF13 highly there are some who are not very happy with it".

Where have I misquoted them? The CEO has admitted that some fans are not very happy with FF13. And in my opinion hes being modest!

2. These are your words: "Mentioning a bunch of Nintendo titles doesn't mean anything about the Japanese gaming industry."

And these are your words as well:  "What on earth does skyrim has to do with anything conserning the slowly dying japanese gaming industry ?"

As I've already explained the Japanese game industry is clearly not dying. Sales of games like Pokemon, Dragon Quest 9 (Dragon Quest 10 isnt out yet, and its not a handheld title either), Super Mario et al, its obvious that the handheld market is bigger than the console market in Japan. There are other games I could list, there are sales numbers I could cite, but I dont need to do that on this website. The point is the Japanese gaming industry is clearly not dying. And the Nintendo home console and the PS3 are actully doing pretty well in Japan at the moment. Its clearly not dying.

I'm not sure where you want me to go with this? What was you point about the Japanese gaming industry dying?

3. Based on everything I've seen and based on my own personal opinion. Damn straight, this is not winning. If you feel that FF13 has won, then thats good for you, but its clear that in the eyes of the developers, in the eyes of the CEO, in the eyes of many, many fans, FF13 has not won. And ultimately its the fans who have lost.

4. I know your done, theres nothing you can do to change reality; so your only option is to act as if its your choice to walk away as you've 'won' something. Well done, it worked, FF13 has won because you managed to 'expose' me talking out of my ass, without addressing any of my points! Epic win. Lets hope FF13-3 is equally as good, so you can win again.