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A203D said:

same stuff again


 For the third time you have no clue what you are talking about.

You tried to degrade an impressive number of 4 Final Fantasy titles in an attempt to make some vague point about the developers.

It's more than obvious you didn't know XIII had an average of 80%.  

In the interview Toriyama says nothing about how XIII-2 was supposedly made to address the problems in XIII.  Yes, I can read.

Yoichi Wada spoke specifically about XIV when he said it "greatly damaged Final Fantasy brand". You have stubbornly misquoted them both for the second time.

Mentioning a bunch of Nintendo titles doesn't mean anything about the Japanese gaming industry. Pokemon is doing well, no shit Sherlock ! Dragon Quest X is not out yet and Monster Hunter is doing well in Japan.


 Here's what you did, you got cocky and without thinking spewed out "If this is winning, I'd hate to see what losing is."

The Japanese gaming industry is losing. And like it or not, Final Fantasy XIII got out winning.



A203D said:

 what if Final Fantasy has damaged the reputation of Japanese games here in the west?


What if you have been talking out of your ass this entire time ?  That's it, I'm done.