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Viper1 said:

I didn't say they were trying to boycott those comapnies.   That's irrelevent.  It's the circumstances of why they are supporting one company against the circumstances of how and what enabled them to promote their support of that company.   Irony is a juxtoposition of circumstances against differences.

Thanks, professor, but I know what irony is. I just don't really see how that's ironic. The last paragraph conflates supporting Chik-Fil-A with wanting to avoid PRO-GAY companies altogether, which is not a position I've heard anyone advocate.

But this may just be one of those "clever" things that people post on Facebook all the time that you find either hilarious or enraging depending on what side you're on, and since I'm neutral in the Great Chik-Fil-A War of '12 aside from being vehemently opposed to government getting involved, I just find it insipid and strawman-ish.