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kowenicki said:
spurgeonryan said:
RedInker said:
I wish for nothing more than for the UK to leave the EU.

why is that? Also why were you guys allowed to keep your currency?

Becuase we didnt fall for the nonsense spewed by french and german politicians and germany.  The single currency was about making german exports cheap for the rest of Europe... nothing more.

Never ever ever was a single currency going to work across multiple disperate markets.

ANYONE with an ounce of common sense saw that... Politicians are in politics for power and ego these days, not because they are good business people of sound economic commentators and predictors.  if they were good at that and didnt care for power then they would be in the private sector making millions.

Hey, it works ok in the US.

Big difference of course being that the US Federal government has more power over the economy and forces states to keep it's houses somewhat in order.