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DigitalDevilSummoner said:

1)You know it as well as I do, you are wasting our time playing with words trying to make something out of nothing. XI has no resemablance to anything remotely Final Fantasy, it's barely a half decent attempt at an mmo game. That doesn't spell new. That spells unrelated.

2) Your opinions are yours and yours alone but objectively you must recognise that trying to talk down about not one or two but 4 whole Final Fantasy games (VIII, X, X-2, CC) is a stretching it, isn't it ? Also never talk crap about Advent Children, that is the best action movie ever made.

3) Reviews are not only critical but also from users. Don't feed me lines. An average of 8 out of 10 is a stellar score for the 13th continuation of a 20 year old franchise.

4)  Jesus noob pwning Christ...What are you talking about, it has nothing to do with the console market and I'm not focusing on the PS3. It's the INDUSTRY, the japanese gaming industry. FF is not an RPG it's a gadman JAPANESE RPG, thus my referal to the very specific market conditions.  How on earth could have XIII-2 sold more than XIII ?!?!?

5) The head was talking about XIV, FINAL FANTASY XIV. THE ONLINE ONE ! And XIII-2 didn't not address anything, i already answered this. It was as different from XIII as X-2 was from X, Square never repeats itself, and ths time they had a more efficient development, they didn't have to make a gigantic game where you never visit anything again, 'cause it was extremely expensive. A main issue in XIII was the low difficulty, did they address that ? No they were going for a different game. Did X-2 sell more than X and how would that be even possible ?


You wanna see what losing is ?

Be my guest, take a look at every japanese game, this generation, rpg or not. Star Ocean, Nier, Siren: Blood Curse, Resonance of Fate, Tales of Vesperia, Shadows of the Damned. All great games.


That is losing.

The whole japanese industry took a huge blow this generation and you are looking elsewhere, stubbornly not giving credit were credit is due.

1. How is it not new if it does something new to the franchise? I dont know or care about FF11, but to say it has degraded the franchise is absurd, it was well revieved by the online community and it did well financially. I cant deny that it was a good buisness move by Square Enix.

2. FF8 had the same problems that proliferlated into FF10, 10-2, Advent Children et al. Thats why FF13 had problems. Thats why the Parasite Eve reboot sunk. The developers are at fault.

I'm curious if you take out the action scenes from Advent Children, what would you be left with?

Advent Children is non-sensical and the characters have been changed from their original counterparts from FF7 into sterotypes. Cloud is turned into Squall. Someone like Barret who is a father and an interesting character in FF7, is turned into the comic relief black guy who has to be saved by the 'ultimate hero' who has to save the world, yet dosent really care. Its a cliche invested nightmare. As is FF8. Hence why that time compresssion story is so bullshit. Hence why the characters are awful. The dialogue and the voice acting are also very poor quality: "Hey how you been". "Dilly dally, shilly shally". Who is writing this material? Why is the delivey of dialogue poor?

3. Fine 8/10 is a stellar review score. Lets hope GTA5 etc, all get 8/10 scores, because now we know that 8/10 review scores are the pinnicle of excellence. Anything above that is not worth playing!

4. FF13-2s director seems to think that he made parts of FF13-2 to respond to the problems of FF13, which he discusses:

Yochi Wada seems to think that while some people 'value FF13 highly, some people are not very happy with it'.

Yochi Wada has also spoken about the FF franchise being greatly damaged, I think FF13 and FF14 have both contributed to the damage.

5. The entire Japanese gaming industry is not in decline. The handheld market is immensely successful in Japan, with games like Pokemon finding success in even the western market. Dragon Quest, Monster Hunter et al, seem to disgree with your notion that the 'entire' Japanese game industry is in decline. Its obvious the decline is in the Japanese console market, not the handheld market.

6. Yeah I'm not sure if those are 'all' great games... I mean Catherine, Valkyrie Chronicles, Demon Souls, El Shaddai were excellent games. They shouldve sold more copies. But I think the problem is more deep rooted than that... What if Final Fantasy has damamged more than just the franchise, what if Final Fantasy has damaged the reputation of Japanese games here in the west? What if the reasons Japanese RPGs are not as successful as WRPGs here in the west is because Final Fantasy has damaged that genre of gaming?