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Chris Hu said:

Well it couldn't have gone multiplat since Micorsoft owns the IP and paid for most of the games development so he shouldn't have even brought up that it should have gone multi-platform.  So yeah Gilgamesh was dead wrong when he said it should have gone multi-platform.  The Last Story can't go multi-platform either because it was co developed with Nintendo.

How old did you think I am that I wouldn't be able to tell between couldn't and shouldn't ?

I mean seriouly.



A203D said:

5 X Stuff

1) FF XI damaged the franchise cause it was not a Final Fantasy game by any means, story wise or gameplay wise or antyhing wise.

2)FF VIII was excellent, X was excellent and X-2 was rather good and very underrated and if you're talking about Crysis Core, that's one of the best PSP games. I don't see how listing great games discredits the creators.

3)No, FF XIII-2 was a response to nothing other the fact that FF XIII was successful. The sequel tried to apologise as much as X-2 tried to apoligise for X. Yes, also very different a sequel. Another factor in the differences between XIII and XIII-2 is that they tried to be more efficient development wise, they said so themselves, which includes listening to feedback something that they couldn't do in the first one.

4)Looking at reviews right now, metacritic 83, user score 80.

5)By market conditions I obviously refer to the wildly known fact that was only mentioned a post ago, that japanese games are doing badly, very badly. Are you mocking me in my face talking about Skyrim ? What on earth does skyrim has to do with anything concerning the slowly dying japanese gaming industry ? Its't not 1998 anymore, that's a long gone market. Square's expectations were lower and yes XIII managed to be by far one of the best selling Japanese games.

Despite its many problems...



DigitalDevilSummoner said:

Final Fantasy XIII is a success, it won.