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DigitalDevilSummoner said:

Yeah, I know they are just trying to pointlessly discredit anything past IX.

By your logic FF XI was good only because it brought in money but FF XIII was not good even though it brought in money ? What kinda logic is that ? FF XI and XIV shouldn't have been numbered FF games. Period.

And, no I don't think trying something new is damaging the FF brand. I don't even consider XIII to be such a great game, I just respect the developers trying to keep the franchise alive and relevant, instead of being a remnant.

So, let me irk these fans even more, these fans who by talking louder think they matter more:

Final Fantasy XIII enjoys stellar reviews. It ended up getting a direct sequel and probably, for the first time in FF history, even a second one. Between Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2, the project has sold 9.6 million units worldwide, in these market conditions:

Final Fantasy XIII is a success, it won.

I'm not discrediting anything past FF9. FF12 was a good game, but it was not pefect.

Where have I said anything about FF13 not making money? Your words were that the 'online installments have damaged the franchise'.

To say that FF11 'damaged' the franchise is completely wrong. I've never played FF11, I have no intention of playing FF11. At the same time SE have said it was financially their most successful game, and it seemed to be well recieved by fans. On that basis, its obviously not the reason the franchise has been degraded.

Maybe FF11/FF14 shouldnt be numbered installments. I dont know or care, thats not the topic of discsussion here. I doubt they will make a numbered FF an online game again after FF14, but thats neither here nor there.

I dont know what your reffering to with 'something new'. But I think the big problems with FF13 are those that have come from the developers. Its these same developers who worked on FF8 (without much input from Sakaguchi). Its these same developers who worked on FF10/10-2 (althought Sakaguchi did input a lot into FF10). Its these same developers who worked on the abhoration that is the FF7 compilation. Its these same developers who made FF13 the way they did to appeal to a western fanbase. Its these same developers who have sunk the Parasite Eve reboot. There is clearly a pattern here. you dont have be a dectective to see that the developers are the problem. Whether or not they brought 'newness' to the Final Fantasy franchise, they clearly have made repeated mistakes that have proliferated from FF8; which is the period of time Sakaguchi took a step back from the series to focus on The Spirits Within movie.

I dont know how you can say 'FF13 won'. When the developers have experienced so many problems during a prolonged five year development. FF13-2 was developed in response to the problems of FF13. How can 'it win' if the sequel was developed to 'appologise' for the predecessor.

And I really dont want to talk about critical reviews. You can look at those reviews if you must. They pretty much all say the same thing without addressing the undelying problem.

Sales wise 'in these market conditions'. You mean the same market conditions where Skyrim sold over 10 mil copies in a shorter space of time. Where FF13 has has two games sell less than Skyrim in a shorter space of time. Not to mention the fact in these same market conditions, sequels are selling more copies than their predecssors; Mass Effect 2, Uncharted 2. And FF13 was so well recieved that it sequel sold less copies than the former, in the same market conditions where sequels are selling more copies than their predecessors.

FF13 may have won something, but there is no denying these gains have been offset by 'greatly damaging the FF brand' as Yochi Wada put it.