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OK HERE IT IS The ones who gave right answers/answered correctly tend to be more astute followers, some leaders. The ones who did not tend to be careless risk takers and gamblers, as opposed to being a calculated risk taker. (example) Hence you like adventure games or 1st person shooter run n gun. You like to rush through a game to replay it later to see if you missed anything... Here is a break down of the psychological colors there are a couple different meaning to the colors. I will explain how to use them to find out some things. Match the color below to find your favorite color The worst game you played can mean a couple different things, Black tends to be associated with death or mourning white-purity innocence and tend to be altrustic purple-royalty wealth power/spiritual red-evokes emotion, love sex yellow-cheery warm-also associated with anger/frustration blue calm relaxed/sadness green growth health/jealousy brown strength reliable orange excitement enthusiasm warmth pink love romance(other colors would fall under their spectrum) The worst game you played and the color you chose actually tells about your life charecter as well as your games you like to play. The worst game if you played was a type of game you hate like adventure, then you would fall on the other end of the spectrum of colors. (in other words your favorite color is white, then you would fall under black. But, some people that are left handed like myself, this color schematic does not relate to me, I could be blue neutral across the board...kinda like I am neutral on this website. Example subject "A" hated an RPG, favorite color black and answered everything correctly would mean: Subject had a bad experience from a certain type of category game and most likely will not give that type a try for a while and is a wise investor on games purchased by being a calculated risk taker. Where if the person did not answer correctly then they are gamblers and take careless risks on games and tend to bash other games/systems.