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Soriku, its pretty much as i said on my second post.

If i think of FF7/9/tactics and even 8 and 10, i can think of some songs that seem to play on my head. With FF XII onwards, they might have full orchestras or whatnot, and the music might sound good when playing, but when i think back to the titles nothing pops up in my head.

Its a recurrent issue since the 32/64 bit era with the PSX and those systems. After those, in general music in games became un-memorable. I cant think of one memorable soundtrack from past that era. FFX was ok-ish but thats about it. In this current gen i cant think of a single game that has a memorable soundtrack. Even tales of vesperia wich is a game i loved this gen, nothing pops up. The way it interacts with the human brain is just not good enough anymore and the songs get identified as noise, more than music leading to no recollection.


Actually what im saying is perfectly clear on your post. The FFIX songs listed fill up your ear perfectly so you can focus on all the sounds (it feels like 2 layers of sounds). The FF:CC songs have too many sounds and some of it gets filtered as noise (fills like 3 or more layers of sound). If you think about those songs in a few minutes, you will see you will be able to remember the FFIX songs but not the FF:CC ones. Its got everything to do with the human brain and the capacity to memorise a set number of sounds. At one point its just overflow and your brain dismisses it.

The way i see it, that is a huge waste. Why bother making such complex songs when they arent going to be more pleasurable to listen to than the songs with less complexity.