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I agree with you. I always thought things were more civil before Xbox came onto the market, three consoles is a bar fight. I could be wrong since I was young back during the Sega and Nintendo days when apparently everybody and their grandma burned neighbors houses down or so they claim. I was cool with whatever and everyone I knew was too.

It seems now everyone is making fun of Nintendo, not liking Xbox for pay for online/RROD/lack of exclusives, and a Sony hate train that's centered around a few executive quotes from 7 years ago. Then there is this whole Geohot debacle fueling a crusade against business and a consumer's right to free stuff (despite good intentions for consumer rights, modify your systems in your own home and stop handing out instructions online, these products only exists because of the market)

I'm not really surprised that Vita has been a target of anti-marketing. It's extremely difficult to launch a new product when it's the "in" thing to hate the company. Some people are getting a kick out of Vita's low sales, some people are pushing public opinion to make Sony "pay", and if it's not that it is the residual of what Sony went through last year with the hacking. People are easily manipulated and though the internet is an unwieldy beast if someone can create a wave of opinion it will establish a group of thought that will spread. Even a small group online can be thousands and thousands of people who all continue spreading the thought.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(