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Ugh, this is really beginning to piss me off. I was over on Memebase when I saw one of those "Why can't I hold all these ____" images, with nothing in the dude's hand, and it was titled "Why can't I hold all these Vita games?" and the caption was "Because there are no Vita games"

why is everyone so insistent on making the Vita a failure, or at least making it look like a failure. we all know the system is great, everyone who HAS one loves it (except Jim Sterling, who is perpetuating the "Vita has no gaemz" mantra), yet the general consensus is that the vita has no spite of the fact that it has easily had one of the best launches in history. I dare anyone to find a console or handheld as many exclusive games that got an 80 or higher on metacritic in the first six months. We already have Gravity rush, Uncharted, Wipeout, Lumines, Super Stardust Delta, and Mutant Blobs Attack, not to mention the fantastic versions of console games it has, like Rayman Mortal Kombat, MLB 12 The show, Disgaea 3, Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom, etc.

And that's not even including the two heavy hitters coming out this holiday season, as well as the god only knows how many ports.

There has to be a way to stop this nonsense; you;'d figure after the PS3's performance (Sony's last effort) and the 3DS's first year (the last handheld released), people would learn not to doom-say a console in its first months...especially not when it's actually got a better library in its first 6 months than any console in history thus far. (seriously, almost no consoles have a great first year, some get awesome launch titles then get nothing for 6 months, others like the PS3 flounder for years before getting a solid library)

Why do people hate sony so much? even the "what fanboys are the worst" thread, Sony is 'winning' by a wide margin, even though Sony Fanboys only ever became notorious BECAUSE Microsoft fanboys were laughing at them for defending the Ps3's disastrous launch and first couple years.

the hell is wrong with people?

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android