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ironmanDX said:
Sad how people came here just to talk crap. They should have said, good job M$ on making a reliable console, much more so than before and moved on. Not talking about Microsoft's "fear of Sony" and whatever crap comes out of their mouths (fingers :P )
Are they so butt hurt that someone made a more reliable console? I just don't get some people.

The Hardware defect rate is a topic that has existed for a long time, so it's not evil of anyone to mention how it was before, especially when OP is about how much better it is now.

Look, I'm not even a Sony fan and I disagree with you. Just if he sees it useful to mention that it was horrible back then, and being down to PS3 levels is nothing to celebrate about in the sense that it should have been working in the first place, I completely agree with the guy.