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I have read though this thread and some of the arguments are ridiculous. Momhun is a very important series of games for Capcom in Japan,, since it moved to portable that has become the dominant platform for the series there as seen by the better sales of the most recent portable versions over honhn Tri.

Capcom like many other developers are now putting many series on multiple platforms to help to build the audience of there series. hell there is even a Monhun game on IOS now. Yes monhun Tri, TriG and 4 are on Nintendo Wii/3DS and possibly Wii U, but that has nothing to so with Sony getting the Monhun series on the PS3/PSVITA or a new system from them.

Capcom are not abandoning any platform it is about expanding he userbase, if you can increase the interest in a series by expanding to more then on platform why not do it.

Japanese Pop Culture Otaku