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happydolphin said:
Chris Hu said:

I sense more rose tinted glasses from people that think they launched the 360 because they where afraid of Sony.  Again they had to lauch the console when they did because they couldn't make any more new orginial X-Box's since they didn't have any more GPU's after "August of 2005" and trust me the relatioship between Nvidia and Microsoft went sour years before that so they screwed them over since they had to find a new developer for the GPU of the 360 and they basically killed the original X-Box.  Also month without any new consoles to sell would have hurt Microsoft a lot more then the RROD did.  That pretty much what killed Atari because they couldn't figure out what to do after the 2600 (releasing tons of bad games for it also didn't help). The 5200 should have never been released and the 7800 lauched too late.  And by the time they tried to come back with the Jaguar nobody cared.

If Microsoft is so omnipotent and unscared of Sony, why did they _need_ to have xboxes being shipped to consumers at all times, when only six years prior they weren't even in the console business.

None of this makes any sense.

They wanted to stay in the console business you stay in the console business by always having a console on the market and widely available.  Again not having a console available for purchase would have hurt them more then the RROD ever did.  Nintendo never took a break and had a period where their where no Nintendo consoles on the market neither did Sony or Sega when they still where in the console business.  As a matter of fact Sega could have been in the console business a while longer if they didn't have supply issuses during the Dreamcasts early life.  Between the 2600 and the Atari Jaguar their where periods where there where no Atari consoles available or if they where only on a limited basis.  Even though WB, Universal, and Paramount have all been making movies for over 90 years you don't think it would hurt them a whole lot if for some crazy reason they decided not to release a new movie for over a year.  Also the original X-Box was only available for four year from 2001 till the end of 2005.  The 360 launched on November 22, 2005 a little more then four year after the original X-Box which launched on November 15, 2001.